16.12.11, 23:44
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Üyelik tarihi: Oct 2009
Yaş: 43
Üye No: 375
Mesajlar: 1.928
Konular: 1568
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Alessandro Allori Biyografisi - Alessandro Allori Hayatı - Alessandro Allori Kimdir
Alessandro Allori Biyografisi - Alessandro Allori Hayatı - Alessandro Allori Kimdir - Alessandro Allori Yaşamı
Alessandro Allori "Alessandro di Cristofano di Lorenzo del Bronzino Allori" (D. 3 Mayıs 1535 - Ö. 22 Eylül 1607) İtalyan bir portre ressamı.
Emboltred, gant Alessandro Allori
Ana Eserleri
* Christ and the Samaritan Woman, (Altarpiece, 1575, Santa Maria Novella, now Prato)
* Road to Calvary, (1604, Rome)
* Dead Christ and Angels, (Museum Fine Arts, Budapest)
* Portrait of Piero de Medici, (Sao Paulo Art Museum, Sao Paulo)
* Pearl Fishing, (1570–72, Studiolo of Francesco I, Palazzo Vecchio, Florence)image
* Sussana and the Elders
* Allegory of Human Life
* The Miracle of St. Peter Walking on Water
* Venus and Cupid, (Musee Fabre, Montpellier)
Christ with Mary and Martha, oil on wood, 125 x 118 cm
Kunsthistorisches Museum
Portrait of Grand Duchess Bianca Capello de Medici, by Allori, Dallas Museum of Art
Gwener ha Kupidon, gant Alessandro Allori
Susanna e i vecchioni, gant Alessandro Allori
Pescadores de perlas, Palazzo Vecchio, Studiolo de Francesco I.
El sacrificio de Isaac (1601) Galeria Uffizi, Florencia.
Kaynak: wikipedia
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