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Roberto Matta Biyografisi,Roberto Matta Hayatı,Roberto Matta Kimdir?

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Roberto Matta Biyografisi,Roberto Matta Hayatı,Roberto Matta Kimdir?
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Alt 28.04.10, 20:16   #1
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Renklerin Dansı - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Tualim.NetRenklerin Dansı
Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üyelik tarihi: May 2009
Üye No: 27
Mesajlar: 3.656
Konular: 2075
Standart Roberto Matta Biyografisi,Roberto Matta Hayatı,Roberto Matta Kimdir?

Roberto Matta Biyografisi,Roberto Matta Hayatı,Roberto Matta Kimdir?

Roberto Sebastian Antonio Matta Echaurren

Matta adıyla bilinen Roberto Sebastian Antonio Matta Echaurren (d. 11 Kasım 1911, Santiago - ö. 23 Kasım 2002, Civitavecchia, İtalya) Şili'nin en ünlü ressamlarından biridir. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (Papa'ya Ait Katolik Şili Üniversitesi)'de mimarlık okudu ama mesleğinde hayâl kırıklığına uğradı ve 1933'te Paris'e gitti. Yolculukları René Magritte, Salvador Dalí, André Breton, ve Le Corbusier gibi sanatçılarla tanışmasına aracılık etti.
Sanata yönelmesi Breton'un teşvikiyle olmuştur. Breton, Matta'ya kendi çalışmalarını özendirterek Paris'in önde giden sürrealist akımının öncülerini tanıttı. Matta sürrealist dergi Minotaure 'de yazılar yazıp resimler çizdi. Bu zaman diliminde Pablo Picasso ve Marcel Duchamp gibi göze çarpan çağdaş Avrupalı sanatçılara tanıştırıldı.
Seçilmiş Eserlerinin Listesi
ca. 1932 - 33 Sick Flesh
1934 The Clown
1935 Untitled (Payasa)
1936 Panama and Wet Sheets
1937 La Forêt, Snail’s Trace, Composición Azul, Scénario No. 1: Succion Panique du Soleil and Morphology
1938 The Red Sun, Space Travel (Star Travel), To Both of You, Crucifiction (Croix Fiction), several works titled Psychological Morphology and Morphology of Desire
1939 more works titled Psychological Morphology and Water
1940 Dark Light
1941 Invasion of the Night, Ecouter Vivre, Théorie de l’Arbre, Composition Abstraite, The Initiation (Origine d’un Extrême) and Foeu
1942 The Hanged Man, The End of Everything, The Disasters of Mysticism and The Apples we Know
1943 L’Oeyx, El Día es un Atentado and Redness of Lead
1944 Cover art for the final issue of the magazine VVV, To Escape the Absolute, Et At It, Le Glaive et la Parole and Poing d’Hurlement
1945 La Femme Affamée, Abstracto, The Heart Players and Rêve ou Morte
1946 Le Pélerin du Doute and A Grave Situation
1947 Accidentalité, Metamatician # 12 and Black Mirror
1948 Wound Interrogation and The Prophet
1949 La Revécue and Woman Looked At
1950 C’Ontra Vosotvos Asesinon de Palomas
1951 Ne Songe Plus à Fuir and Les Roses Sont Belles
1952 Pecador Justificado and Eclosion
1953 Morning on Earth, Hills a Poppin, The Murder of the Rosenbergs, L’Hosticier and L’Apetite de Primer
1954 Abrir los Brazos Como se Abren los Ojos, Bud Sucker, The Chess Player, L’Atout and Tados Juntos en la Tierra
1955 Le Long Pont, Spearcing of the Grain, L’Engin dans l’Éminence and Intervision
1956 Banale de Venise, Heart Malitte, Fleur de Midi and Le Pianiste
1957 Le Point d’Ombre, L’Impencible, The And of Think and Ciel Volante
1958 La Chasse Spirituelle (started in 1957), Être Cible Nous Monde, L’Etang de No, The Infancy of Concentration, Les Eviteurs and Le Courier
1959 Un Soleil à Qui Sait Reunir, Les Faiseurs du Neant, The Clan and L’Impensable (Grand Personage)
1960 Couple IV (started in 1959), Être Atout (five part suite), Vers l’Universe, Ciudad Cósmica and Design of Intuition
1961 Vivir Enfrentando las Flechas
1962 Les Moyens du Creafeur, Claustrophobic Vaincue and Mal de Terre
1963 Eve Vielle
1964 Éros Semens (triptych, started in 1962) and La Luz del Proscrito (started in 1963)
1965 La Térre Uni
1966 Le où A Marée Haute and La Promenade de Vénus
1967 Signe of the Times and Morire per Amore
1968 Malitte (modular furniture set designed between 1966 and 1968) and La Caza de Adolescentes
1969 Lieberos, Nude Hiding in the Forest and Verginosamente
1970 Elle Logela Folie, Je-ographie, El Hombre de la Lampara and MAgriTTA Chair
1971 Otto Por Tre and Paralelles de la Viel
1972 Coigitum and The Upheaval of One’s Ocean
1973 La Vida Allende la Muerte, Senile d’Incertitude, Migration des Révoltes and Hom’mer (Chaosmos) (suite of ten etchings with aquatint)
1974 Explosant Fixe, Je M’Espionne, Deep Mars, L’Aube Permanente and Cadran d’Incendies
1975 Mas Ceilin and Illumine le Temps
1976 Wake (started in 1974), Une d’Une and Les Voix des Temples
1977 Rooming Life, L’Ombre de l’Invisible and Ouvre l’Instant
1978 Carré-four and Dedalopolous
1979 Polimorfologia
1980 Il Proprio Corno Mio, Laocoontare (La Guerra Delle Idee) and Pyrocentre
1981 Las Scillabas de Scylla, El Espejo de Cronos and El Verbo América
1982 Geomagnética de Danza (started in 1981), Ils Sexplose, Passo Interno di Mercurio, Labirintad and The Sign
1983 Morphologie de la Gaîté, Logos Men and Artificial Lucidity
1984 Ecran de la Mémoire and Le Dauphin de la Memoire
1985 Simposio o Composio
1986 Mi-mosa, 24 Mai 1986, Une Pierre Qui Regagnera le Ciel and Oeramen, la Conscience est un Arbre Vetroresina
1987 D’Âme et d’Eve
1988 Être Cri
1989 Violetation and L’Envenement Non Identifié
1990 A l’Intérieur de la Rose, Omnipuissance du Rouge, Navigateur and Haiku
1991 Parmi les Désirs and Ma Dame
1992 Champ du Vide, Cosmo-now, Le Désnomeur Rénomme and Farfallacqua
1993 Leaving Your Grass, Vertige du Vertige, Torinox and Colomberos
1994 Vent d’Atomes
1995 Les Arpèges, L’Âme du Fond and Melodia-Melodio
1996 The Road to Heaven, Storming Water River and Redness of Blue
1997 Flowerita and Oak Flower
1998 Youniverso
1999 Blanche ou Fleur
2000 N’ou’s Autres
2002 Post History Chicken Flowers, La Dulce Acqua Vita and La Source du Calme
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