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Alt 13.12.11, 17:52   #1
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Kullanıcı Bilgileri
Üyelik tarihi: Oct 2009
Yaş: 43
Üye No: 375
Mesajlar: 1.928
Konular: 1568
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Arrow Jacques Lipchitz Eserleri - Jacques Lipchitz Heykelleri - Jacques Lipchitz Çalışmalar

Jacques Lipchitz Eserleri - Jacques Lipchitz Heykelleri - Jacques Lipchitz Çalışmaları - Heykeltıraş Jacques Lipchitz Eserleri

Le Chant des Voyelles (Sesli harflerin sarkısı),
Kröller-Müller Muzesi Heykel Parkı Otterlo, Hollanda (1931-1932)

Descent of the Spirit (1955), Schotland

İlham Perilerinin Doğuşu, MIT Kampüsu, (1944-1950) / Birth of the Muses, bronze, 1944-1950, In memory of Jerome Wiesner - in the permanent collection of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Tree ofLife (1972), Israel

Le cri (1928–1929), Skulpturenpark am Kröller-Müller-Museum in Otterlo

La alegría de vivir (1927), en el Museo de Israel en Jerusalen

Mother and Child, bronze sculpture by Jacques Lipchitz, 1930, Honolulu Academy of Arts

Belopheron Taming Pegasus (1964), Londen

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