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Üyelik tarihi: Oct 2009
Yaş: 43
Üye No: 375
Mesajlar: 1.928
Konular: 1568
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Post Sol LeWitt Eserleri - Sol LeWitt Heykelleri - Sol LeWitt Çalışmaları - Heykeltıraş

Sol LeWitt Eserleri - Sol LeWitt Heykelleri - Sol LeWitt Çalışmaları - Heykeltıraş Sol LeWitt Eserleri

Four-Sided Pyramid, National Gallery of Art

Bloque de cenizas

Sol LeWitt, Untitled lithograph 1992

Sol LeWitt, Tower, Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa, ABD, 1984.

Sol LeWitt, Isometric Projection 13, ink and pencil drawing on paper 1981

Black Form Dedicated to the Missing Jews, Altona City Hall, Altona, Hamburg, Germany, 1987.

Skulptur von Sol LeWitt, Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Cubos blancos. Alemania

El vestíbul del CaixaForum Barcelona. A laparet del fons es veu el mural Splat

Cinder Blocks 123454321 (1993) Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Four Sided Pyramid (1999) Washington D.C.

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