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Alt 29.10.11, 20:51   #1
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Üyelik tarihi: Oct 2009
Yaş: 43
Üye No: 375
Mesajlar: 1.928
Konular: 1568
Bulunduğu yer: Ankara
Post Jasper Johns Eserleri - Jasper Johns Tabloları - Jasper Johns Resimleri

Jasper Johns Eserleri - Jasper Johns Tabloları - Jasper Johns Resimleri

Jasper Johns, Map, 1961. Museum of Modern Art New York City. Flags, maps, targets, stenciled words and numbers were themes used by Johns in the 1960s.

Bayrak Çalışması: Flag, Encaustic, oil and collage on fabric mounted on plywood,1954-55

Detail of Flag (1954-55). Museum of Modern Art, New York City. This image illustrates Johns' early technique of painting with thick, dripping encaustic over a collage made from found materials such as newspaper. This rough method of construction is rarely visible in photographic reproductions of his work.

Kaynak: wikipedia


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